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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 52, No 2, June, 2013

UDK 61
ISSN 0365-4478(Printed version)
ISSN 1821-2794(Online)


Correspondence to:

Svetlana Nikolić

Institute for Student Health Care

Dr Sime Miloševića 6

21000 Novi Sad Srbija


Review article                                                                      

UDC: 001.891:174




Intellectual Dishonesty in Science


Svetlana Nikolić1, Slađana Jajić2, Ana Vila3, Sunčica Ivanović4



Institute for Student Health Care Novi Sad, Serbia1

Prmary Health Care Center Novi Sad, Serbia2

Center for Children and Youth with Developmental Disabilities, Veternik, Serbia3

College of Health Studies in Ćuprija, Serbia4


The aim of this article is to obtain answers about the most important questions involving dishonesty in science. If we consider scientific work, we have to mention that various forms of errors need to be divided into two groups: reputable and disreputable errors. The third group, called the “grey zone”, includes “cooking” and “trimming”.

When we consider the problem of dishonesty in science we should mention the most important question: who and for what reasons commits plagiarism and other forms of intellectual crookedness? Is it for financial benefits or for advancement? It is difficult to say, but it is necessary to use all available remedies to eradicate all forms of intellectual dishonesty, which is hard, especially in biomedical sciences. However, some reputable journals in this field use some special software packages to detect plagiarism. Acta Medica Medianae 2013;52(2):56-60.


      Key words: plagiarism, intellectual dishonesty, crookedness