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Acta Medica Medianae
Vol. 53, No 4, Decembar, 2014

UDC 61
ISSN 0365-4478(Printed version)
ISSN 1821-2794(Online)


Correspondence to:

Gordana Repić

Alekse Šantića 74, Novi Sad, Serbia

E-mail: gordana.repic@gmail.com


Review article                                                                                      UDC: 616-002.46:614.253.8





 Gordana Repić1, Sunčica Ivanović2


Medical High School „7. april“ Novi Sad, Serbia1

College of Health Studies, Ćuprija, Serbia2



Pressure ulcers are one of most dominant problems that occur in patients with mo- bility limitations. Such wounds can produce pain and deteriorate the underlying condition. Sometimes, they can be even vitally threatening, and their treatment can impose financial burden for both patient’s family and society. Pressure ulcers are the consequence of a prolonged pressure on the skin above bone prominiscences, and its location depends on patient's position (lying, sitting).

The impact of pressure ulcers on the quality of life is significant, considering their influence on physical, psycological, emotional, spiritual, social and financial dimension of life.

Health care professionals involved in pressure ulcers treatment and care at all levels have to recognize the impact of this problem on patient’s quality of life. The impact is significant, long-term and it depents on patient's individual characteristics. Therefore, treatment and care should be tailor-made for each patient. Acta Medica Medianae 2014; 53(4):75-80.


Key words: pressure ulcers, stages, quality of life