The Acta Medica Medianae (AMM) is a thematic journal designed for medical sciences. The Journal publishes original papers that have not been published anywhere before. The AMM publishes editorials, observational and experimental papers, preceding or short communications, reviews, meta-analyses, case reports, current topics, articles from the history of medicine and other contributions. All the papers are printed in English with short abstracts in English and Serbian. The papers in English (and if possible in Serbian) are presented in the electronic format at the web site of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis, as well as at international sites related to medical sciences.

        The Acta Medica Medianae is published four times a year.

        Journal Acta Medica Medianae is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible measures against any publication malpractices. All authors submitting their papers to AMM for publication as original articles attest that the submitted works represent their contributions and have not been copied or plagiarized in whole or in part from other works. The authors acknowledge that they have disclosed all and any actual or potential conflicts of interest with their work or partial benefits associated with it. In the same manner, AMM is committed to objective and fair peer-review of the submitted for publication works and to prevent any actual or potential conflict of interests between the editorial and review personnel and the reviewed material (Clinical and Experimental Work Code).


            General Guidelines


All papers published in the AMM are subject to the double-blind peer review process and reviews by the Editorial Board that also decides upon the sequence of their publication. Remarks and suggestions made by the editors and reviewers are submitted to the author for final revision. The papers are submitted in electronic form. The manuscripts accepted for printing are not to be returned to the authors.

The manuscript must be submitted electronically, either on a CD/DVD or by e-mail (, typed with double space in A4 format with the left margin of 3 cm.

The first page of the paper must contain: a) paper title b) full name and surname of the author c) full name of the institutions and addresses of the organization units in which the paper was realized d) denote with arabic numerals after authors name their institutions e) denote with sign * the person assigned to do correspondence regarding the submitted manuscript and provide its full address, phone number and e-mail.

The second page should contain only the paper's title, unstructured abstract and key words, with no names of the author(s) and institution(s). The abstract for scientific and professional papers, review papers of a general survey type and meta-analyses may be up to 250 words, while for all other types of publication it may contain up to 150 words.  It is necessary to state 3 to 5 key words or phrases under the heading "Key Words" beneath the abstract. Authors should use corresponding descriptors from the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) of the Index Medicus list for key words. The first and the second page are submitted in English and they are not numbered. Serbian authors send the first and the second page both in Serbian and English language. 

Paper Body. Scientific and professional papers, as well as general surveys and meta-analyses must not exceed 16 pages with additions, current topics - 8 pages, casuistics - 6 pages and preceding statements - 5 pages, articles from the history of medicine - 3 pages while conference reports and book reviews - 2 pages. Scientific and professional papers should obligatory comprise chapters: introduction, material and methods, results, discussion and conclusion. Acknowledgments or commentaries concerning the sponsorship of the paper should be given at the end of the paper, after the chapter "Conclusion". It is necessary to mark the place of additions in the text and to denote them in the same way as they are denoted in the addition.

          The paper should be typed in Microsoft Word for Windows. For English version Verdana font should be used, 9 pt in size, code page (English). For Serbian version use Verdana  font, 9 pt in size, code page (Serbian Lat or Croatian).

The authors are obliged to use the international measurement standards (SI) and standard internationally accepted terms.

The paper body and literature should be marked with Arabian numerals in bottom right corner.

References are given in a separate chapter in the same sequence as the quoted works appear in the paper. The number of the reference in the text is indicated in Arabic numerals in brackets. All the authors should be listed. However, if their number exceeds 6, the rest should be indicated with (et al). For quoting literature use the rules of the Vancouver convention (citing and indexing).

Additions: Tables and Figures (photos, drawings, diagrams, formula, etc) should not be inserted in the paper body but submitted on separate sheets at the end of the paper. Each Table and Figure is marked with Arabic numeral following the order of appearance in the text (for instance, Table 1, Figure 1, etc) and each of them is given a short title. Short explanations and abbreviations are given in footnotes. The following symbols should be used in footnotes: *, †, ‡, etc. Photos should be sharp and of postcard format (20x25cm in resolution 600dpi). Photos should be marked as they appear in the text (Figure 1, Figure 2 and so on) and a detailed explanation of the photo should be given in footnote. If some Table or Figure has already been published elswhere, the source should be stated as well, and a written approval should be submitted in case the material is copyright protected. Patients on photos have rights to privacy that should not be infringed without consent. Namely, if the photo shows a patient who can be recognized, his written approval should also be submitted; otherwise, parts of the photo should be deleted so that the patient cannot be identified.

For making graphic additions any graphic program may be used while the pictures should be scanned in .jpg format of resolution of 600dpi. Tables and graphs are most desirable in Excel for Windows and original Excel file must be submitted or Excel figures imported in windows as Excel objects not as pictures.

On a separate sheet  (Conflict of Interest Statement), the authors should enclose: a) their statement according to policy of AMM, b) signatures of all the authors.

The Acta Medica Medianae preserves the right of further distribution and printing of the papers.

          Papers should be submitted  electronically to:

The Sercreteriat prefers to receive a scanned copy of  Conflict of Interest Statement signed by the author(s).