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Table of Contents for
Decembar 2015 • Volume 31 • Number 72



Nikola Gligorijević 1,

Milena Kostić 2

1 Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš, Serbia
2university of nis, Faculty of Medicine,clinic of dentistry, Niš, Serbia



Background: Nanotechnology is a science that deals with the research and development of materials and devices at the atomic or molecular level. In the near future, almost every aspect of human life will be influenced by nanotechnologies. With the advancement in the technology, it is also getting incorporated in various medical diagnostic and treatment fields, including dentistry (nanodentistry). Researchers in the field of dentistry have explored the potential of nanoparticles in the existing therapeutic modalities with moderate success. The key implementations in the field of dentistry includes new diagnostic systems, local drug delivery agents, restorative materials, regenerative materials, bone and tissue graft materials and  implant surface modifications. This review provides detailed insights into the current nanotehnology development in the field of dentistry, and discusses potential future uses of nanotechnology.

Key words: nanotechnology, dentistry, diagnosis, materials, dental implants


... Authors and Reprint Information

Address of correspondence:

Nikola Gligorijević, DMD
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry,
Clinic of Dentistry ,  Blvd. dr Z. Djindjića 52,
18000 Niš, Serbia
Tel. +381653366646;
E-mail: dr.gligorijevicnikola@gmail.com

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