In 1974 Marti Helkimo designed special questionnaires which were
used for entering adequate contemporary data collected by medical
history, analyzing the functions of the orofacial system and analyzing
occlusion. Data were evaluated numerically with 0, 1 or 5, depending on
the severity of the relevant findings and severity of clinical signs or
symptoms of dysfunction.
Objective: The aim of the research was to establish and evaluate
specially designed Helkimos anamnestic and dysfunction index in
monozygotic twins.
Materials and Methods: A longitudinal prospective study was
carried out on a randomized sample of 30 pairs of twins, 20 to 40 years
old, and of both sexes. Dedicated design of the questionnaire made it
possible to calculate the Helkimos anamnestic index (Ai), based on
subjective feeling and positive or negative answers of subjects about
the state of their masticatory apparatus. The clinical dysfunction index
(Di) represents objective functional analysis of structural and
functional disorders of the orofacial complex, because it monitors
multiple parameters. Kinematics of the lower jaw, conditions and limited
function of the temporomandibular joints, the presence or absence of
painful sensations during mandible movements during palpation of the
joints and masticatory muscles, and the overall quantification of the
incidence of craniomandibular dysfunction were all monitored and
evaluated. The study was conducted in accordance with the local and
international laws and ethical standards.
Results: Medical records of 47 (78.3%) twins did not present the
signs and symptoms of craniomandibular dysfunction, i.e., Ai = 0. Twelve
respondents were aware of the existence of mild signs of
craniomandibular disorders (CMD). Acute and expressed craniomandibular
disorder was identified in one of the twins Ai II 1 (1.7%). By
evaluating and analyzing the results obtained using Helkimo analysis,
positive dysfunction index (Di> 0), or certain signs and symptoms of
impaired function of TMJ were established in 23 twins (38.3%), while the
index dysfunction equal to 0 (dI = 0) was found in 37 (61.7%) twins.
Spearman's correlation (0.728) demonstrates there is a coefficient of
interdependence and mutual association between anamnestic index (Ai) and
the dysfunction index (Di), with statistic significance at 1% (p =
Conclusion: This comparative statistical analysis showed there is
a correlation between anamnestic index (Ai) and clinical dysfunction
index (Di) by Helkimo et al.